Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Real Estate Closings

Prior to a real estate closing that was scheduled for one of our clients, we reviewed the plat of survey received from the other side in the transaction. We discovered that there were multiple violations with the way that the building was positioned.  These violations could cause very serious issues for our client in the future.  We advised the client of them, and he decided not to proceed with the purchase, and instead, find a property without survey issues.  Thankfully we were able to prevent him from purchasing a property that would have caused problems in the future.  Our attorneys handle many real estate transactions, and we will gladly meet with you to discuss your situation. Our offices are conveniently located in Chicago and Villa Park. We have Polish speaking attorneys.

W okresie oczekiwania na closing jednego z naszych klientow zauwazylismy, iz mapka geodezyjna, jaka otrzymalismy od strony sprzedajacej, wykazuje znaczne bledy i naruszenia. Tego typu nieprowidlowosci mogly w przyszlosci przyniesc powazne konsekwencje dla naszego klienta. Niezwlocznie poinformowalismy go o tym. Nasz klient postanowil zrezygnowac z kupna tej nieruchomosci i znalazl inna, ktora nie miala podobnych problemow. W ten sposob, dzieki naszej wiedzy i doswiadczeniu, pomoglismy klientowi i zapobieglismy dokonaniu przez niego tranzakcji, ktora mogla miec negatywne konsekwencje w przyszlosci.

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