Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Purchases of Real Estate and Taxes/Kupno Nieruchomosci i Podatki

When purchasing a real property, it’s important to make sure that a Buyer receives appropriate credit for property taxes.  Since property taxes are paid one year behind, usually the buyer should receive a credit for an installment that’s not yet due as well as credit for all days of the present year up to the date of the closing.  Depending on a transaction, property taxes can be prorated at 100% or higher. Since most property taxes increase each year, it is advisable to ask for at least 105% proration. It is very important to be represented by an attorney to make sure that appropriate tax credit is received at closing. Attorneys at Kocinski Law Offices, LLC will help you with that.

 Przy kupnie nieruchomosci nalezy sie upewnic ze kupujacy dostanie odpowiedni kredyt na podatki na nieruchomosc.  Jest to bardzo wazne poniewaz podatki na nieruchomosci sa placone rok do tylu.  Dlatego, ze podatki sa placone rok do tylu, kupujacemu nalezy sie kredyt za ta czesc podatkow, ktora nie jest jeszcze zaplacona oraz podatki do dnia zakupu nieruchomosci.  W zaleznosci od typu zakupu, mozna dostac kredyt za podatki na 100% lub nawiecej wiecej.  Poniewaz zazwyczaj podatki wzrastaja z roku na rok, powinno sie zawsze wymagac przynajmniej 105% kredytu za jeszcze nie zaplacone podatki. Dlatego jest tak wazne aby byc reprezentowanym przez adwokata. Adwokaci
w Kocinski Law Offices, LLC upewnia sie, ze dostaniecie Panstwo odpowiedni kredyt na podatki przy zakupie nieruchomosci.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Child Support/ Alimenty na Dzieci

In Illinois, the amount of child support is based on statutory percentages depending on the number of children.  The amount is based on a non-residential parent’s net income.  For one child, the non-residential parent pays twenty percent (20%); for two children it’s twenty-eight percent (28%), for three children thirty-two percent (32%), and so on.  However, it is important to know that the parties can also agree to much higher amounts. At Kocinski Law Offices, LLC, we will help you get the child support that your child deserve.

W stanie Illinois, alimenty na dzieci sa obliczone wedlug kodeksu prawnego
 w zaleznosci od tego ile jest dzieci.  Obliczenia sa wedlug tak zwannych netto zarobkow osoby, z ktora dzieci nie mieszkaja.  Jezeli jest jedno dziecko, to wtedy rodzic, z ktorym dziecko nie mieszka placi dwadziescia procent (20%); na dwoje dzieci nalezy sie dwadziescia osiem procent (28%), na troje trzydziesci dwa procent (32%).  Rowniez warto wiedziec, ze suma alimentow na dzieci moze byc znacznie wieksza, za zgoda obydwu stron.  Kancelaria Kocinski Law Offices, LLC zrobi wszystko, aby Panstwa dziecko dostalo alimenty, na ktore zasluguje. 

Friday, May 18, 2012


Filing for bankruptcy might be a very stressful process and requires a lot of preparation. Once the petition is filed Kocinski Law Offices, LLC will submit many documents on your behalf to the trustee. Documents required include, but are not limited to, bank statements, pay advices, tax returns, and profit and loss statements.

Zlozenie pozwu o bankructwo moze byc bardzo stresujace. Po zlozeniu pozwu Kocinski Law Offices, LLC przekaze wiele dokumentow do sadu, ktore zawieraja Panstwa podatki, dochody i rachunki bankowe.

Filing for bankruptcy might be a very stressful process and requires a lot of preparation. Once the petition is filed Kocinski Law Offices, LLC will submit many documents on your behalf to the trustee. Documents required include, but are not limited to, bank statements, pay advices, tax returns, and profit and loss statements.

Zlozenie petycji o bankructwo moze byc bardzo stresujace. Po zlozeniu pozwu Kocinski Law Offices, LLC przekaze wiele dokumentow do sadu, ktore zawieraja Panstwa podatki, dochody i rachunki bankowe.